Singam 2 Movie Review

Cast : Suriya, Anushka, Hansika, Vivek, Santhanam, Rahman and Hollywood star Danny Sapani
Music : Devi Sri Prasad
Cinematography : Priyan
Direction : Hari
Producer : Prince Pictures


Singam 2 kicks off right from where Singam ended. After resigned from Police force Suriya is now in Tuticorin, an NCC coach in a school where Hansika studies. A series of events leads Suriya gathering info about a drug deal taking place in the area. Towards the interval, Hari keeps us pinned with his crisp narration, well thought dialogues coupled with witty one liner comedy from Santhanam and Vivek. The interval bang is spot on, that is one superb scene.

Into the second half, and the movie traverses on jet speed. Hari’s thinking works here, as he overlaps the main story with the comic and dramatic scenes. The movie, even though put down by a few speedbreakers (songs) and a not-so-great climax, moves on at a good pace and ends convincingly.

Performance wise, Suriya is at full swing, He looks ravishing with his new mustache perfect when it comes to dialogue delivery, facial expressions. Stunts have been well executed, and he has pulled off some cheeky movements in Singam Dance. This guy has lived the role.

Hansika has a fairly mightier role to play than the main heroine.

Anushka who has been carved as a glam doll just for the sake of the songs. I feel she lost in this movie.
Vivek is hilarious, while Santhanam does bore you down a bit at times. Scenes between santanam and Anushka are OK and Santanam imitating Kamal is hilarious.

Villain’s What Singam 2 lacks is a powerful villain. Danny and Rahman had justice to their roles but not strong as Prakash raj in Singam.

Plus Points:
Racy Direction

Many Illogical scenes
old comedy
lengthy first half

If a movie runs for 3 hours, and can manage to keep you entertained, you got to give credit to the director. Even though a little more care could have been taken, Hari must be lauded for his work. Dialogue writing is his strength and he has lived up to it, few lines do prick you up.

Cinematography by Priyan is commendable. One must appreciate the use of chopper cameras at various instances to provide a different angle. Editing is slick barring the long runtime. Stunts deserve a special mention.

Music by DSP is horrible none of the songs entertain you and slow down the pace of the movie and BGM is not that great

Overall Singam2 is one time watch for strictly Suriya fans and it will bring mass audience to the theaters in B and C Centers for sure.. movie fate is depend on how well the audience receives

Verdict : Strictly for Surya Fans

Movie Rating: 2.25/5

About The Author

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