The Haryana High Court on Thursday dismissed the case against rapper Honey Singh. The petition was filed against the rapper by the NGO, Help, alleged he had sung vulgar lyrics in his songs. Honey Singh
had on Wednesday submitted a written affidavit, claiming innocence,
saying that the song ‘main hoon balatkari’ was not sung by him, but an
Honey explained that he was being ‘framed’ in the case due to mistaken identity. The Rapper’s lawyer had earlier issued public notices in three newspapers categorically dissociating him from the controversial song ‘Main hoon balaatkari’ and challenging anyone who claims it to be written, composed or performed by Honey.
Honey explained that he was being ‘framed’ in the case due to mistaken identity. The Rapper’s lawyer had earlier issued public notices in three newspapers categorically dissociating him from the controversial song ‘Main hoon balaatkari’ and challenging anyone who claims it to be written, composed or performed by Honey.