Every one thought that there is no stopping to Bandla Ganesh after the grand success of Pawan Kalyan’s Gabbar Singh. The movie went on to rake a moolah and became the second biggest grosser of Tollywood. But things turned topsy turvy after NTR’s Baadshah. The movie is a safe project for Producer but burned a hole in the pockets of distributors in some areas. Later on, his other project with Allu Arjun, Iddarammayilatho released but failed at the box office.
His troubles doubled after that. Some of the distributors who lost their money in Baadshah and Iddarammayilatho are hounding him for money but he is keeping them at bay saying he will provide his next movie at low prices. However, he started a project in Koratala Siva direction and Ram Charan in the lead role but the project was shelved even before going on to sets. He is now planning a multistarer movie with Venkatesh and Ram Charan in Krishna Vamsi’s direction but the project is still hanging in air. Lets see who will be a fate changer for him!