Joining India in celebrating 100 years of Indian Cinema will be Russia. The Eurasian country will host a grand film festival in December 2013 to celebrate the centenary of Indian Cinema in which land mark Indian films would be screened. Representing the Tamil industry will be three films, namely Kamal Haasan’s Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu, directed by Gautham Menon, Dhanush’s Aadukalam, directed by Vetri Maaran and AR Murugadoss’ Thuppakki, starring Vijay.
It is also said that Kamal Haasan and Dhanush might in fact attend the grand festival along with other celebrities from the different Indian film industries.
Meanwhile, the 10th Film Festival of Tamil Nadu has kick started and it’s no surprise that the theme of this year would be 100 years of Indian Cinema. Director Vetri Maaran inaugurated the three day event.