Jilla starring Tamil star Vijay is one of the most keenly awaited release of the upcoming Sankranthi season in Tamil. It’s getting a big release in Tamil despite having to face another biggie in the form of Ajith starrer Veeram. Yet the star doesn’t seem to mind as he has been prepared for it from some time. But it’s in the territories outside Tamil Nadu that the actor is facing situations that he hasn’t expected to and it’s here Mahesh Babu enters the scene.
Superstar Mahesh Babu has a big market not just in Andhra Pradesh but in Rest of India and Overseas as well. With the actor’s film also slated to release on the same day as Jilla, the latter is struggling to find decent number of screens in these places outside Tamil Nadu. For example in Karnataka and US, 1 Nenokkadine starring Mahesh Babu is getting big release whereas Jilla is finding it hard to get decent screens. Will Mahesh Babu with his 1 Nenokkadine end up spoiling the party of Jilla, we will know in few days’ time.