Oscar Pistorius to defend murder charge in court today

Pretoria (South Africa): South African Paralympic and Olympic hero Oscar Pistorius is set to appear in court later on Friday, February 15, having been charged with murder after he shot his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Early reports suggested that it was a case of a Valentine`s Day surprise gone horribly wrong as Pistorius shot her thinking she was a burglar. 

Oscar Pistorius charged with murder for shooting his girlfriend

But South African police have insisted that they want to press `murder` charges against the man popularly referred to as the `Blade Runner`, revealing that the police had previously been called in with regards some `domestic violence`. They have also confirmed that they wil oppose any bail application, adding to the rumours that they have a strong case.

While the South African athelte was due to appear in court yesterday, after he requested for an early hearing, the police deferred it to Friday so that the forensic team had ample time to carry out their investigations.

There was an overall reaction of utter disbelief as news of the Oscar Pistorius incident spread across the world via the various media outlets.

The mayor of Gemona, a small Italian town where Oscar trained ceaselessly last year while training or his Olympic debut, spoke to the media yesterday.

"The news shocked not only me personally but also the whole of Gemona and the region," said Mayor Paolo Urbani, "It`s come as a huge shock to everyone who knew him."

"I have to say Oscar was an exceptional testimonial for our project, helping the city take forward its sporting plans. He`s a delightful person, not only as a sportsman but also how he is as a human being. The news is still very fragmentary and we`re waiting to hear more, to find out exactly what happened."

Who is Oscar Pistorius?

Fellow Olympian and American athlete Nick Symmonds is good friends with Pistorius. He ound out about the matter when he switched on the TV at 6 in the morning.

"I was just shocked like everybody else," he said. "We`re going to have to let the courts down in South Africa sort out the facts."

Ato Boldon, four-time Olympic medalist, spoke in support of the `Blade Runner` adding that he`d be the last guy you`d ever think capable of murder.

"He exudes class. He`s gracious. He`s humble," he said.

The International Paralympic Committee said that since it was a "police matter", it would be "inappropriate for the IPC to comment on this incident until the official police process has concluded."

"The IPC would like to offer its deepest sympathy and condolences to all families involved in this case," it added.

Former 100-meter world record-holder Asafa Powell tweeted about Steenkamp`s death and the unfortunate incident: "Sad news about @oscarpistorius & fatal shooting of his girlfriend he`s a true inspiration & amazing athlete. A real tragedy for all," Powell wrote.

"It`s incredible for anyone involved with Oscar, especially his family," said former Italian pole vaulter Andrea Giannini, who had also coached the Blade Runner from 2009 to 2011.

"I knew Oscar well. I`m hoping it was just a tragic accident. He`s a marvelous person, a really sweet and calm guy. It seemed like this was a calm time for him. He seemed really happy and well-balanced." 

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