Police today found a dead body near Gogula Lanka in E.G district and it was recognized as producer Ravi Shankar Prasad's."
Ravi Shankara Prasad produced films like Shankarada MBBS & Zindabad in Telugu, Vasool Raja MBBS in Tamil on Gemini Film Circuit banner
A dead body was found at Ipolavaram in East godavari district. Police suspect that it could be the body of Southern producer Ravi Shankar Prasad who has been missing from July 8. Ravi Shankar's family members have been called for identification purposes.
It may be recalled that Yanam police has registered a missing person's case. Ravi Shankar was last seen in Yanam when he went for a morning jog from Hotel Anand Regency.
Ravi Shankar is the managing director of Gemini Film Circuit and the chairman of Regency chain of hotels.