Singam 2 Beats Thuppakki Enters Top 3 In Malaysia

Suriya starrer Singam 2 sequel of the film Singam has done very well in overseas markets, especially Malaysia (the biggest market for Tamil films overseas). Singam 2 has at the end of its fourth weekend overtaken the last Tamil blockbuster Thuppakki starring Vijay in the lead. It has therefore entered the top 3 in the Malaysian box office. Only Enthiran and Sivaji are placed above Singam in terms of gross collection in Malaysian market.

Singam 2 has grossed $ 1,735,536 at the end of the fourth weekend which meant it went marginally ahead of Thuppakki which collected $ 1,732,792. Singam isn’t expected to collect much going further as it has dropped very big over the past weekend.

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