When Tamil cinema opts for colorful comedy films with thin story line, films like Neram and Soodhu Kavvum has given as a sort of relief. Now Moodar Koodam also joins the club of Black comedy and of course the film will engage any Guy Ritchie fan. Read on to know more about the film….
When we take a Guy Ritchie/Quenitn Tarantino films they are known for its unusual story narrated in a more interesting manner with some kickass dialogues and Moodar Koodam’s director Naveen has successful conveyed the essence, a big warm welcome dude!
Moodar Koodam is a story about four youngsters who want to loot money from a house and they fetched a information that the family members are went for a tour. When the four friends enters into the house they find that their plan is completely washed out , what happens next and whether the four friends succeeds in their plan form the crux of the story.
Each character is introduced in a different manner and their introduction evokes a good laughter. Thanks to the wonderful characterization by the director and also the background music by Natrajan Sankaran.
Though we hardly know the faces of the cast in the film still it gives us a engaging feel and once again it is all because of the wonderful characterization and dialogues of Naveen. Known faces like Oviya,Jayaprakash and Anuphama Kumar did a fair job.
The above all are the positives of Moodar Koodam. Talking about the negatives for a film like Moodar Koodam the length could have been much shorter and also the dialogues with censored beep sound might not attract family audience, other than these two factors there is nothing to wrong to complain about Moodar Koodam. The film also have flaws in the debut actors' performances, if it had some fine performers the film would have been more better.
Overall if you like Soodhu Kavvum,Neram or any Guy Ritchie films you will definitely like this. Go for it as the director has given us a film that doesn’t have any clichés like colorful songs,so called comedies and casts who overact in every frame !
Verdict : Go for it if you like Soodhu Kavvum,Neram or any other Guy Ritchie films.....
Movie Rating: 3/5