Thala Ajith's Arrambam goes the Thalaivaa way

The distribution rights of Ajith's Arrambam are much in demand and many areas have already been sold out at exorbitant rates. Recently, the Trichy and Salem areas were gobbled up by Vendhar Movies, the high-profile firm which distributed Thalaivaa and Ethir Neechal all over the state. They are also distributing Vishal's Pandianadu, another Diwali release. 
Arrambam's trailer and music were released last week and the response has been good. The film is set for release a few days ahead of Diwali, on the 31st of October but an official announcement is awaited regarding the release date.

Studio Green's All in All Azhaguraja is the other major player in the Diwali race.

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