Suriya is now facing a peculiar trouble with name of a film ‘Saravanan Engira Suriya. The original name of Suriya is Sarvanan. An enthusiastic director cum actor Raja Subbaih is doing the lead role in the movie. It is rumoured that the movie moves around the real life of Suriya whose original name was Saravanan.
Fans of Suriya feared that the movie with his own life story would cause damage to his reputation. Suriya’s personal staff lodged a complaint with artists’ associations and producers’ guild. They alleged that Subaih was indulging in cheap tactics to get free publicity for his new movie.
Suriya’s spokesperson said that Subbaih had not taken permission from us to give such title. “Kollywood has to respond in the issue since no movie should hurt feelings of individuals. We hope Subbaih will chanage the name of the movie. But he says it is not possible since the entire story was connected to the tile of the movie.