Jilla Movie 1st Day Collections

Jilla is an tamil action movie direction by R T Nesan. The Movie starring with Vijay, Mohan Lal, Mahath, Kajal Agarwal and Soori. The movie is produced by R B Choudry.

Jilla Box Office Collection

Jilla 1st Day Collection: 5 Cr

Jilla Total Box Office Collection: 5 Cr

About The Author

Ut dignissim aliquet nibh tristique hendrerit. Donec ullamcorper nulla quis metus vulputate id placerat augue eleifend. Aenean venenatis consectetur orci, sit amet ultricies magna sagittis vel. Nulla non diam nisi, ut ultrices massa. Pellentesque sed nisl metus. Praesent a mi vel ante molestie venenatis.