Basanti Movie Review

Cast : GauthamAlisha Begum and more…
Directed by : Chaitanya Dantuluri
Producer : Uma
Release Date : 2014-02-28
Movie Rating: 3.5/5

 ...The END...
12:55am : Sneham bit song is good in the end. Major highlights of the film Music and Bgm by Mani Sharma.

12:51am : Fight between Gaazi and Arjun taking too much time to finish things. In a very routine commercial escape is planned for other students.

12:45am : Arjun challenges Gaazi that he will kill each and every terrorist in Basanti. Gaazi captures Roshini.

12:40am : Seeing his friends suffering Arjun goes against the Terrorist, and plans to kill Gaazi before Barbar arrives to Basanti..

12:33am : The sequence get monotomus and things moving at slow pace with prredictable narration.

12:20am :Things are getting slower with every sequence post Vellakura song. Hostage killing sequence started.

12:12am : Vellakura song starts off with Arjun chase to recover Roshini, from terrorist place. Song spoils mood with this sequence.

12:04am : Terrorist tell their demands to office Ali Khan asks for leader Babar khans release from Hyderabad high Security Prison..

12:02am : Post interval suspence continues as Arjun helps ATS people to help his Friends.

11:43am :Bhai plans to attack Basanti college take students as Hostage untill his plans get successful. Mani sharma bgm is major highlights of the film..

11:40am :Nee feeling artham avuthe thana feeling kuda maruthundi : Arjun plans to propose Roshini..

11:38am : With the information from Razzaq, ATS attacks terrorist team. But Bhai has other plans to attack..

11:35am :Parichayam marichipovachu emo kani Premani kadhu : Abbas to Swathi.

11:33am :Ali khan arrests Razzaq (Bhanu) with slight doubt..

11:28am :Roshini confirms her P.hd admission in London. With the pressure of Abbas and Swathi , Gautham tried to get away from Roshini..

11:19am : In the meantime Arjun gets close to Roshini with every meeting. One more good song to elevate the romantic feel with Pratheekshanam.

11:12am : A terrorist arrives to Hyderabad, with the help of Razzaq (Bhanu) he plans to make high intensity Led bomb.

11:07am : Mana Ayyudam bomb kadhu valalo Unna bhayyam..

11:05am : “Nalone lena Nena” song is good, even visuals and choreography suited the mood..

10:57am : In Abbas (Ranadir)’s sister marriage Arjun gets attracted to Roshini (Aliya Baig).

10:53am : Eppudu naa deggara unnaru, Confidence adhi echanu, next dabbulu vaasthe avvi isthanu : Arjun.

10:50am : Tanikella Bharani Gautham Raja scenes are very fun. Herione introduction song Thirugubaatidhi with Hero Friends (Ranadir and Dhanraj) nicely choreographed song..

10:43am : Scene starts off with a Bomb Blast, Then Shifts its base to border. Hyderabad ATS arrests Deccan Mujhahuddin terrorist Babar Khan for bomb blasts.

10:40am : Starts off silently with shooting piano – violin – flute fusion music in a theme park.

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