The muhurtham ceremony of Superstar Mahesh’s Aagadu was held a short while ago in Filmnagar Rama Naidu Studio Temple. The opening shot was canned on god photos. Movie Moghul Rama Naidu sounded the clap board while producer Syam Prasad Reddy switched on the camera for the muhurtham shot. The regular shooting of the movie will begin from November 15th. Director will start with the scenes not involving Mahesh first.
Milky beauty Tamannah is going to romance Mahesh in this movie for the first time. The movie is planned for 2014 summer release. The producers of Dookudu and 1 – Nenokkadine, Ram, Anil and Gopi are also producing this project under their 14 Reels Entertainments banner. Thaman is the music composer and it is his 50th film.