Kajal Agarwal continues to be a shining star down South and she has stormed the hearts of many youngsters thanks to her naughty charm and perfect figure. Up next for her in Tamil would be All in All Azhaguraja and Jilla, in which she is paired with the likes of Karthi and Vijay. This would be her second outing with these popular heroes.
In AAA, she would be called Chitra Devi Priya and she has had a ball on the sets and literally used to die laughing on the sets everyday. She understood all the Tamil dialogues written by Director Rajesh in order to fully appreciate the comedy and feels that Santhanam and Karthi are equally crazy.
She feels Karthi has mastered his craft as an actor and thanks to their bonding in Naan Mahaan Alla back in 2010, their vibes in AAA were that much livelier. She is inspired by Karthi's quest for perfection while performing for his shots.
In Jilla, she would be having an action-oriented role and is excited about reuniting with Vijay again after the blockbuster Thuppakki in 2012. The unit still has some portions left to shoot and they might visit Slovenia or Bulgaria to can a few songs.