Class X student ‘rapes’ minor

HYDERABAD: At a time when the nation is debating over reducing the age of juvenile accused, a five-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a class X student while she was playing near her house in Manchal on Friday evening. The victim is presently undergoing treatment at Niloufer hospital and her condition is said to be stable.

The Manchal police said at 4 pm the 15-year-old boy met the victim, who was playing near her house. “The boy called her to play hide-and-seek and took her to a cattle shed and forced himself on her. As the victim started to scream, her father came rushing and found the boy committing the offence,” Manchal inspector T Venugopala Swamy told STOI. The victim and culprit were neighbours, police said.

After the incident, the victim was taken to Government Hospital at Ibrahimpatnam, but doctors there advised the parents to shift her to Niloufer Hospital, where she is undergoing treatment.

Based on a complaint by the victim’s family, the boy was taken into custody. He would be produced before the juvenile court.

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