Thala Ajith's Arrambam thrills the music trade

Its been 4 days since the music release of Ajith's Arrambam and we got in touch with the music trade to check out the response to the music and the sales stats. Ashok Parwani, General Manager at Sony Music, the rights holder, spoke to Behindwoods about the same
"It is one of the best albums of the year and we are very satisfied with the response. The album is still on top of the iTunes chart. Yuvan has given us two great albums this year with Biriyani and Arrambam, and both of them have done very well from a sales perspective. Arrambam's CDs were made available in all the big shops in the city on 19th itself and the sales has been great. Other parts of the state received the CDs a day later in order to curb piracy and we plan to continue this distribution practice for all our future releases as well"
When we got in touch with some of the big music shops in the city, they said that as soon as the CDs reached their store on 19th evening, 90% of the volume got sold out at once and by Friday all the CDs disappeared off the shelves. The second batch of Arrambam CDs will reach these stores today  (23rd September) and the demand is expected to continue.

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