The latest buzz in the Telugu film industry is about the film ‘1: Nenokkadine’ featuring actor Mahesh Babu and debutante actress Kriti Sanon. The model Kriti, who also is a well-accomplished Kathak dancer, is stepping into the film world for the first time and hence the filmmakers of ‘1Nenokkadine’ have kept her looks and other character details a secret but few photos of her leaked already. However, as the reports say, the actress will be portraying the role of a news correspondent in the movie.
Written and directed by Sukumar, the film will have actor Mahesh Babu play a mysterious role and speculations suggest that his role would be that of a spy agent. However, this news has not been confirmed. The film’s shooting was going on in Hyderabad recently and will soon move to Goa for its next schedule.