The 1st schedule of filming began on 2 June 2012 with portions involving Ajith Kumar, Nayantara and Arya. The filming was expected to proceed until the end of the month in Mumbai, but later cancelled due to monsoon and location was shifted to Bangalore and later in Hyderabad. On 7 September, during the second schedule, Taapsee Pannu joined the crew and began shooting her portions.
During the next schedule that started on 2 November 2012, filming was held in Mumbai and its suburban locations. While shooting an action sequence, Ajith Kumar was injured, suffering an ligament tear. Despite his injuries, Ajith Kumar continued shooting.
Arrambam 1st Day Collections is 10.20 Crores
Arrambam 2nd Day Collections is 11.65 Crores
Arrambam 3rd Day Collections is 10.50 Crores
Arrambam 4th Day Collections is 10.78 Crores
Arrambam 5th Day Collections is 10.56 Crores
Arrambam 6th Day Collections is 10.02 Crores
Arrambam 7th Day Collections is 09.45 Crores
Arrambam 8th Day Collections is 09.10 Crores
Arrambam 9th Day Collections is 08.56 Crores
Arrambam 10th Day Collections is 09.15 Crores
Arrambam 11th Day Collections is 08.95 Crores
Arrambam 12th Day Collections is 08.10 Crores