Pawan Kalyan's Psychological Problem?

Pawan Kalyan is an apt definition for his title the Power Star. This is due to the power he generates among the youth and masses and also at the box office.
At the same time, there is also another side in Pawan that is mystifying and somewhat surprising. This is more to do with his personal life.
Anyways, a new topic making rounds is about Pawan’s appearance. Apparently, once he comes in clean shave and suit, sometimes he comes in casual tees and slippers and another day he comes with ruffled beard and Kurta-Pyjama. These variations might look appealing but there is a scientific angle to it.
According to a city based psychologist, "It shows someone who has fluctuating moods and that individual’s decisions will generally be inconsistent. They live with confused decisions, multiple relations and volatile in nature as well".

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