Aamir Khan working out again

Bollywood celebrity Aamir Khan, who is known for his ‘perfectionist’ image in the film industry, is doing yet another extreme workout session for a movie. The last time we heard news about Aamir working out obsessively, we had the pleasure of seeing his six-pack abs in the super hit movie ‘Ghajini’. Apparently, this time it’s for his highly awaited upcoming film ‘Dhoom 3’ and the actor is so obsessed with his body that he reportedly checks his BMI (Body Mass Index) every morning before breakfast.
According to reports from Mid-Day, the actor is “zealously maintaining his beefy look” for the role in ‘Dhoom 3’. A source close to the actor stated that after working out for Ghajini, Aamir is well adjusted to bodybuilding. However, he will be sporting a much more lean and slender body for this film because his character is supposed to be swift and agile.

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