Onion Funny Image Making Rounds

Satires on the current issues facing our country and society come in the best form and right now, the only issue bringing tears is the price of onions. Thanks to that, here is one funny image making crazy rounds on the web. This reminds us of the scene in ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’ where Kota Srinivas Rao introduces a new way of eating chicken in most economic way. Enjoy this folks!

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Ut dignissim aliquet nibh tristique hendrerit. Donec ullamcorper nulla quis metus vulputate id placerat augue eleifend. Aenean venenatis consectetur orci, sit amet ultricies magna sagittis vel. Nulla non diam nisi, ut ultrices massa. Pellentesque sed nisl metus. Praesent a mi vel ante molestie venenatis.